welcome to the new abnormal

4 · 27 · 21

We’re citizens of MN coming together to help end the lockdowns and all of the nonsense. We ask that you please share the site with everyone you can: https://maskoffmn.org

MOMN Monday Meeting
View The Replay

Last night we had another “standing room only” crowd for our weekly Monday night meeting. Our next “Mask Off Monday” meeting will be this coming Monday May 3rd.

Do You Have A Mental Health Condition?

Many people have never read Governor Walz’s executive order 20-81 “requiring” masks in most public indoor settings. Tucked away in section 8, are the list of individuals that are exempt. This list includes people with mental health conditions that make it unreasonable for the individual to maintain a face covering.

One could possibly argue, if wearing a mask causes you anxiety, that could be grounds for the exemption…

Additionally, in section 15 (c) it’s clearly stated that businesses may not require any kind of proof of such condition.

20-81 Mask Exemptions

Businesses that don’t honor these exemptions are actually in violation of the governor’s order! They don’t get to pick and choose which sections of the mandate to enforce. Here’s the link to report restaurant violations to MDH.

Report Violations

(keep in mind, most reports are probably for the opposite thing, people not wearing masks but you
can also report other violations of the executive order including businesses not honoring the exemptions)

What’s Your Current Survival Rate in MN?

Share this with your friends and family. Most people don’t seem to realize what the survival rates are and this chart is specific to MN.

Covid19 Survival Rates in MN

Fun fact: What’s the average age of a teacher in MN? 42.5 years of age according to this report which puts their survival rate at 99.98%

CDC Study “Proves” Masks Work But They Forgot To Mention This Tiny Detail

One CDC study, released in February apparently proved the effectiveness of far reaching mass mask mandates.

The study period was from the onset of the pandemic in March and concluded in October of 2020. The results were not released until February.

The data they interpreted showed a major benefit to masks in reducing the spread of the virus.

So, the news media, city, state, and federal leaders touted it as validating their stringent mandates and proving them correct in reducing the spread. Even celebrities and “influencers” jumped on the bandwagon to share their support.

There is just one GLARING problem. It’s what happened AFTER the study period conveniently concluded…

Here’s a quick graph to break it down for you:

CDC Mask Study

Walz admin engaged in ‘complete fabrication’ of risks associated with youth sports

We at MaskOffMN were “shocked” to discover that leaked emails have come out revealing MDH and the Walz admin may have been misleading the public.

Walz Admin engaged in fabrication
okay some of us weren’t that shocked…

CNN Exposed – Covid is all about the ratings!

This is truly sick! The CNN technical director, on a “date”, admits that CNN is pushing fear and propaganda for ratings in regards to Covid reporting. This is a mush see video! Remember this isn’t just a “CNN thing” but all mainstream media. They are no longer journalists in the traditional sense. They are here to push their agenda!

CNN Exposed
A Must Watch Video!

New Study: Social Distancing is Worthless

An MIT study showed that people who maintain 60 feet of distance from others indoors are no more protected than if they socially distanced by just 6 feet. source

Social Distancing Worthless

Faucism is becoming very creepy!

Here’s a quick, funny (and creepy) video of how far some people worship Fauci. You probably won’t be able to watch this more than once…

Faucism has gone too far

New At Home Covid Tests: are not FDA approved, remain unproven in accuracy based on a control and are only authorized for use on people with symptoms!

The new BinaxNow and all Covid-19 tests are not FDA approved! They are only “authorized” under “Emergency Use Authorization” which doesn’t have the same quality control measures in place to ensure the tests are accurate. In the EUA for these tests, they admit the tests aren’t able to tell the difference between SARS-Cov and SARS-Cov2! Additionally they’re only authorized for use on people with symptoms, not asymptomatic school children once a week!

At Home Test

Read the EUA Letter

Behind the camera

“How you can support us”

Hey we could really use your support while our organization continues to grow. While we don’t have a way of accepting donations currently, what you can do in the meantime is share our mission with your friends and family. An easy way to do so is adding our Facebook profile frame to your profile picture.

MOMN Facebook Profile Frame

Once you do this, your friends will see your support and could join our mission themselves! Become a super spreader of truth! image

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